Many device drivers and other kernel elements are compiled as modules. If a driver is compiled directly into the kernel, its code and static data occupy space even if they’re not used. But if the driver is compiled as a module, it requires memory only if memory is needed and subsequently loaded, into the kernel.
Interestingly, you won’t notice a performance hit for LKMs, so they’re a powerful means of creating a lean kernel that adapts to its environment based upon the available hardware and attached devices.
UW Linux Loadable Kernel Module
Create the Linux Loadable Kernel Module C file.
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Next Create the Makefile.
Compile the Loadable Kernel Module using make -C /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r` SUBDIRS=$PWD modules
Then insert the new module using sudo insmod uw-lkm.ko
Finally, check the Log to confirm the new module is loaded using sudo dmesg | tail -1